UPDATE: Maybe this is why the singer was so weak that night.
Pleasure, excitement, therapy, novelty: seen in this light, the pursuit of intoxication looks very different from its standard portrayal as a pathological drive that must be suppressed before it leads to harm, addiction, and squalor. Yet the mainstream debate on drugs, alcohol, and tobacco seems unable to acknowledge that there is anything positive at all to say about intoxication. Instead it is locked into a sterile argument between prohibitionists and those who want to reduce the harmful effects by, for example, making heroin available on prescription. Both groups start from the belief that psychoactive substances are inherently harmful but disagree on what to do about it.I'll need to try and get my hands on the full article. It may introduce some new ideas and concepts into the drug debate, many of which I can deploy in discussions against my 'drugs are evil' friends.
The subtle difference between Bush and Kerry in two words: Bush is competitive and Kerry is ambitious.Obviously he didn't. Does America vote for the dumber president? Are we afraid or unwilling to have someone intellectually superior to ourselves?
Bush, by nature and by upbringing in the hyper-rivalrous Bush-Walker clan, is driven by a need to win.
If he'd been born into a family where his father owned the biggest junkyard in town, he'd be scrapping to own the biggest junkyards in two towns. By chance, he happened to be born into a family where to earn top honors requires him to win not one, but two Presidential elections. This helps explain the President's striking lack of interest in the content of his job—being President is just a means to an end (of beating his Dad).
For Kerry, in contrast, being President is the end, the goal of the last 45 years of his life. He came from a family background where this burning ambition to be President was unlikely but hardly unthinkable, just unusual. At prep school, his naked flame of ambition made him a bit of an outsider among the sons of the hyper-rich who strove for nonchalance.
In Vietnam, Kerry was certainly brave, and relatively few men on his boat ended up hating him (which is an above average performance for an officer in Vietnam). But he was always a glory hog. In the Senate, he has mostly seemed to bide his time, being liberal enough to get re-elected in Massachusetts, but keeping a low enough profile that the GOP couldn't hang the "Massachusetts Liberal" moniker on him as effectively as they did on Michael Dukakis.
Kerry has generally tried to portray himself as an intellectual, which has been a successful strategy for him in college-crowded Massachusetts.
In contrast, the only election Bush ever lost was a 1978 Congressional race in the Texas Panhandle, where his opponent made fun of Bush for having degrees from Yale and Harvard.
Bush resolved never to get out-dumbed again.
Soon we shall see whether Kerry can beat him by trying to outsmart him.
Sugar, salt and fat-laden foods such as sweets or burgers will display red labels on their packaging to signify they should be eaten sparingly, with 'virtuous' foods such as vegetables marked green to encourage their consumption.From this day forth, no Brit may poke fun at our color coded terror alert system.
Foods such as cheese, high in fat but nutritious, will be labelled amber.
The problem is that the simple trappings of deliberation make academics think that they've reached an opinion through reasoned debate -- instead of, in part, through an irrational social dynamic. The opinion takes on the status of a norm. Extreme views appear to be logical extensions of principles that everyone more or less shares, and extremists gain a larger influence than their numbers merit. If participants left the enclave, their beliefs would moderate, and they would be more open to the beliefs of others. But with the conferences, quarterlies, and committee meetings suffused with extreme positions, they're stuck with abiding by the convictions of their most passionate brethren.At a recent colloqium here in the physics department a speaker mentioned before beginning his talk of how scary election tuesday was and, not to my surprise, he he recieved a large amount of laughter from the audience. I wanted to pipe up with "Well, it could have been even scarier, John Kerry could have been elected" but, of course, I would have been flayed alive for that comment so I kept quiet.
Film site Empire Online, is reporting that a third film based on Dungeons & Dragons is in development by Zinc Entertainment, a division of Joel Silver's Silver Pictures. The filming of "Dungeons & Dragons 2: The Elemental Might has just finished and Warner Bros. is set to release the film next year in the U.S. and internationally through third party agencies.The Wizards' employee that argued for this must have rolled a 20 on his 'bluff' check.
He'll keep the lounge intact, he said, but as for the main bar, he'll let his customers decide whether to make it smoke-free.Imagine that, let the consumers decide how and where they spend their money.
"I'm 90 percent sure it'll go smoke-free," he said. "Still, there's a chance. It's all up to them."
Once again we are reminded that the buckeye is a nut, and not just any old nut -- a poisonous nut. A great nation was felled by a poisonous nut. May Ohio State pay dearly this Saturday when it faces Michigan.Fuck you Michael Moore. And it was Michigan State, not the Michigan Wolverines that we played today. Michael Moore even hails from Michigan, he shouldn't make this slip up.