Sunday, November 14, 2004

No more m&m's on TV

...At least in Britain. Advertisements for the unhealthy variety of foods are being banned in Britain. Children will now be protected from seeing large m&m characters faint from enounters with Santa Claus.

I really can't speak too much of the volume of junk food advertising in Britain, but it makes up quite a bit of the market here. All the wonderful things such as Burger King, Coke, Sprite, M&M's will no longer be able to buy television spots during children's programming. How much advertising revenue are television stations going to lose? How much money are junk food companies going to lose by not being able to advertise to consumers? But on the upside, this law will make lazy kids stop consuming Pringles and Sprite and race outside and excerice... Right?

Yes, these are the people that insult George Bush and our country's government.

...And yes, this is the government our democrats want to be more like.

UPDATE: Here's another article on this subject which details more of their traffic light scheme for foods.
Sugar, salt and fat-laden foods such as sweets or burgers will display red labels on their packaging to signify they should be eaten sparingly, with 'virtuous' foods such as vegetables marked green to encourage their consumption.

Foods such as cheese, high in fat but nutritious, will be labelled amber.
From this day forth, no Brit may poke fun at our color coded terror alert system.


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