Sunday, October 24, 2004

Detroit News endorses no one

An editorial in The Detroit News announces that the conservative leaning newspaper is not endorsing any of the candidates this year.

Here is a description of a candidate they would endorse:
The Ideal President

So what are we looking for in a president?

Someone who will be a good steward of the people's money; someone who trusts citizens to use their own resources to solve their own problems, and those of their communities.

Someone who is willing to set priorities and stick to them; someone who places the needs of the nation above political agendas.

Someone who understands that business, commerce and profits are not dirty words - they're where the jobs come from. Someone who sees America still as a land of economic opportunity and encourages citizens to pursue their dreams, rather than constantly reminding them of the obstacles in their path.

Someone who respects the Constitution and recognizes that the document should not be twisted by each generation to answer passing threats.

We want a president whose character and temperament match the demands of the office. We want a president who appreciates that the responsibility of being the world's military superpower requires a deft touch to maintain harmonious relationships.

That person is not on the ballot this time. We are unwilling to settle for less.
Their conclusion is ridiculous. There is a person on the ballot that meets all those criteria. That person is, of course, Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian party. If The Detroit News is so disgusted with Bush and Kerry, this is the perfect opportunity to endorse Badnarik. They need to give their readers an alternative to voting for Bush or Kerry.

The media once again continues to ignore the Libertarians and Michael Badnarik.


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