Saturday, October 16, 2004

What do you win?

Vin Suprynowicz writes an awesome endorsement of Michael Badnarik.
Yes, the foreign-policy deference of Mr. Kerry (and his collaborationist wing of the Democratic Party) to France and the U.N. is pathetic. Yes, left to their own devices (but there’s a substantial caveat, given the relentless inertial guidance systems of the Washington bureaucracy) the Kerry crew would probably accelerate job-destroying business and "environmental" regulation and freedom-destroying gun bans, while "taxing the rich" in ways unseen since Leningrad, 1921.

Whereas Mr. Bush – freed to be as bold as he likes by Republican control of both houses of Congress – had worked over the past four years to restore our limited, constitutional government ... how?

By setting the precedent that the New American Empire can and will invade and occupy any foreign country that he believes has "weapons of mass destruction"? (When do we go after Red China?)

By bragging in his campaign literature that he rammed through the "Patriot Act," aiming to give John Ashcroft (surely the most freedom-loving attorney general since Mitchell Palmer) the never-to-sunset power to snoop us without warrants and hold us without trial? By wasting $10 billion on "upgrades" that render the dignity-destroying airport search scam not a whit more effective than it proved on Sept. 11? (One Texas airport manager has compared the whole exercise to "putting a steel door on a grass hut.")

Have the Republicans even gotten around to keeping Ronald Reagan’s 1980 promise to close down the federal Departments of Energy and Education – let alone Agriculture, Health and Human Services?

Are they waiting till they control the White House and every seat in Congress? Do you really think they’d do it, even then?
Go read the whole thing now.


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