Sunday, March 16, 2008

Morrigan - The Damned

I'm guessing that the annoying women talking and screaming in some foreign language at the beginning of the second track is supposed to be some witches burning. It goes on for about a minute, is really annoying, and doesn't really fit well with rest of the album. Its like a big unnecessary stop sign on this dirty, raspy, black metal highway. The first song had me interested, its actually rather enjoyable for this kind of black metal, but that opening to the second song annoyed me. This is certainly nothing original or new for black metal, but they manage to make it interesting enough to keep me listening. They bring out a few celtic folk touches here and there that add some additional flavor. The riffs are cool, and the vocalist sounds like he's dying, in a good way... He's using a bunch of effects on his voice, but it fits the music. I like these really dirty black metal vocals, although no one does it as well as Anaal Nathrakh.

...I need to stop saying something kind of negative and then finishing up the sentence with a "but..." statement. I seem to do that quite often in my reviews. I'll see if I can start doing without those statements.

7/10 I'm enjoying this album, although I don't know how often I'll come back to it.



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