Monday, August 30, 2004

Kerry is done

More proof that John Kerry is finished.

Senate minority leader Tom Daschle now has a re-election ad featuring himself hugging president Bush. Is Daschle so uncertain of Kerry that he must use Bush's image in his own re-election ads?

Also, Kerry's daughters were booed at the MTV music awards. One of them even tried to shush the booers. Yes, there were cheers for them, but they were not nearly as warmly welcomed as the organizers could have thought. Is there anything more left leaning than the entertainment industry? This is the industry that forces their leftist politcal agenda onto the naive youth of America. If this crowd rejects Kerry, Kerry has serious problems.

Here is John Kerry's problem, hiss platform stands completely upon two issues:
  1. John Kerry served honorably in Vietnam
  2. John Kerry is not George W. Bush
Unless the republicans screw up their convention by doing what the democrats did, by failing to talk about any real issues, Bush is going to get re-elected. The "anything but Bush" idea spread by everyone is no longer a convincing reason to vote for Kerry. Kerry had his chance to tell us how he was gowing to correct the problems faced by our nation. Yes, he mentioned briefly that he would end corporate "loopholes", give everyone healthcare, and ask for France's permission before we go to war. Other than those brief seconds though, he focused on his 4 months in Vietnam, which now has become a hotbed of debate. How he could not have seen that coming? These swiftvets were, although ignored by the media, speaking out just as fiercely when Kerry was nominated. It was only a matter of time until a wealthy republican would donate to them so that they could buy some airtime.

Now Kerry wants to do weekly debates with Bush. Well duh... They realize now that they blew their chance at voicing their policies on issues at the convention. All their commercials try to connect Bush with these swiftvets in the "father's brother's nephew's cousin's former room-mate" connection of Lone Starr and Dark Helmet. "Get back to the issues" has also been a theme of Kerry ads. I don't think I've seen a single actual Bush ad that has not been about the issues. They've informed me that Bush wants to privatize social security and health insurance, that Kerry has not supported our military or intelligence, and that he will continue protecting us from terror. Now I don't see how one can claim with a straight face that Bush is avoiding the issues.

The American people are beginning to see through Kerry and realize just how shallow his campaign is, and unless Kerry does some major campaign restrategizing, he's finished. They may not agree with Bush on everything, but at least Bush is capable of being our president.


Blogger J ustin. said...

I'm completely with you. Kerry (and moreso the Democratic Party) seems to just not understand how to run a campaign. They focus too much on making themselves not be something, rather than standing for anything. They're too goddamned wishy washy. They seem unwilling to go out and actually say what their platform is, for fear that it will offend people.

However, unlike what you seem to be saying, I'd take a wishy washy guy who's not trying to deprive people of their civil rights over a redneck who can barely speak common english.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious we're not going to be able to get a lib in the white house, so I see only the next best person as Kerry. I see no reason at all to vote for Bush. He and his wife are religious freaks that want to control our lives and tell us how to live them. He's as dumb as a brick and certainly not fit to run well, which he doesn't anyway. Everything that comes out of the government today is lie, so much in fact that the American people don't know what to believe anymore. The continuation of the war in Iraq is pointless, which was pointed out by my friend, who served over 15 months over there. The first 3 months their unit had neither food nor water because they weren't even supposed to be there.

I do agree that Kerry is undecided on most issues and who gives a shit that he wasn't this decorated vietnam vet, I don't. I want someone who in office who is compentent and at least appears like he passed high school. The fact is, it would be hard to have anyone WORSE for this country than Bush.


8:45 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Holy crap. comments! Thanks!

Of course, remember, I want you all to vote for Michael Badnarik, not Bush. But since Badnarik won't win, I'd rather take the religious zealot that is Bush instead of a socialist like Kerry.

9:58 AM  

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