Tuesday, March 04, 2008

R.I.P. Gary Gygax (1938-2008)

I know this labels me as a huge dork, but Gary Gygax, the co-creater of Dungeons & Dragons, died today. You have to hand it to this guy for creating a billion dollar industry, and even many video games, such as WoW, would probably not exist if not for Gary Gygax. I played 2nd edition of DnD to absolute death. I owned just about every 2nd edition source book imaginable. Much of it is still located at my parents house, much to my Mother's annoyance.

I pretty much hate what D&D turned into with 3rd and what's coming up with 4th edition, it's all about hack 'n slash combat rules. But, none of the other fantastic pen and paper RPGs I've played would exist without Gygax's original creation.

EDIT: The Order of the Stick has an appropriate tribute to Gygax.


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